What are Illinois' auto insurance requirements?

Minimum bodily injury limits are $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident. Liability insurance pays if you cause a crash and are legally responsible for the other person's injury or property damage. It also pays for a legal defense if you are sued because of the accident. Bodily injury covers costs related to another person's injury or death. A nonresident passenger's injury may be covered as well.

The minimum property damage limit is $20,000. Property damage pays for damage to another person's car or property (fence, building, utility pole, sign, tree, etc.).

Auto policies must also include $25,000/$50,000 uninsured motorist protection. Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage pays for injury-related damages like medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering that you and your passengers have due to an auto accident. Many policies also include underinsured motorist (UIM) protection. UIM pays when the at-fault driver's bodily injury limits are lower than your underinsured motorist coverage limits.

Keep in mind minimum limits may not adequately protect your financial assets. Add up your resources and request liability limits in line with this figure.

Interested in learning more about auto insurance? Contact the Illinois Insurance Hotline to request a copy of 'Consumer Guide to Auto Insurance.'