IIA Blog

Information covered in the Illinois Insurance Association blog is intended to provide general information and guidance, and should not be considered legal advice.


Prepare for Lightning - Part 2

Jun 27, 2018, 6:17 AM

Lightning strikes cause significant property loss each year. Many people turn to a homeowners insurance company for help repairing or replacing lightning-related property damage. Figures from the Insurance Information Institute indicate insurers paid over $825 million in 2016.

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Prepare for Lightning - Part 1

Jun 20, 2018, 5:07 AM

Lightning occurs throughout the year but is most common in the summer months. Strikes are dangerous to people and property. It is important to know how to respond when lightning is nearby.

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Group life insurance offered as a job perk?

Jun 14, 2018, 8:02 AM

Many employers provide basic life insurance to workers. The amount is tied to salary rounded to the nearest $1,000 increment. Enrolling in the basic group plan requires minimal paperwork. Supplemental group life insurance may also be available for an additional cost.

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