Turned down for homeowners insurance because of past claims?

There are several things you can do if you've been nonrenewed or cannot obtain insurance on your home. Start by talking to your current agent or company representative. Perhaps the insurer will offer a renewal with a higher deductible or other policy change. Next, explore other options. Numerous companies provide homeowners insurance in Illinois, and eligibility guidelines vary. Be forthcoming about past losses, and request the highest deductible you can afford.

Finally, ask your agent about the Illinois FAIR Plan. The FAIR Plan, an association funded by property insurers licensed to operate in Illinois, is the market of last resort. To qualify, you must be nonrenewed or make unsuccessful attempts to secure homeowners insurance. In addition, your home must meet basic fire, loss prevention, and safety standards. Rates are higher in the Illinois FAIR Plan. Let your claim record improve, and then explore other options.

This and other topics are covered in the 'Consumer's Guide to Homeowners Insurance.' Call the Illinois Insurance Hotline to request a copy of this free brochure.