Drowsy driving dangers

Drowsy driving crashes typically involve a single vehicle leaving the roadway at a high rate of speed with no evidence of braking. The result is often serious injury or death.

Be aware of the risks, and know what to do when fatigue compromises your ability to safely operate your vehicle. Consider the following tips:

  • Avoid driving on little sleep. Getting fewer than seven hours of sleep for several nights in a row affects your ability to remain alert behind the wheel. Sleeping less than five hours makes a crash four times more likely.
  • Recognize fatigue. Pull off the road if you begin yawning, feeling sleepy, or losing focus. Find a safe location to take a 15-minute power nap.
  • Schedule frequent breaks on long trips. Avoid driving alone. Travel with a passenger than can share the driving.
  • Do not drive when taking medicines that cause you to feel sleepy behind the wheel.
  • Motorists are most vulnerable to drowsy driving late at night and during the mid-afternoon hours. Ask for a ride instead of getting behind the wheel if you feel tired.
  • Manage busy schedules proactively. Arrange activities to allow sufficient hours of sleep.