Is disability insurance available for individual purchase?

Evaluate your income needs, and then contact a local life and health agent to explore individual disability insurance options.

Age, health, medical history, and job requirements affect cost along with a variety of other factors. For example, a policy that pays benefits when you cannot perform the duties of your specific occupation costs more than one requiring you to return to any job you qualify for.

Pricing is also influenced by payout amount, benefit period, and elimination period. Benefit period refers to how many years you will receive disability benefits. The elimination period specifies how many months you agree to wait before disability benefits begin. Adding a cost-of-living rider to increase benefits also raises the policy premium.

Find out if the policy is noncancelable or guaranteed renewable, and how these options affect pricing. Ask if there is a benefit distinction for partial or temporary disability versus an event that is total and permanent. Also check how the policy addresses issues like replacing lost income, mental health, substance abuse, and a recurring disability.

Explore options with several insurers. Verify each company is financially sound, has a good complaint record, and is licensed in Illinois. Companies not licensed in this state are not subject to Illinois insurance rules and regulations.

Compare features and pricing for each disability insurance plan, and then choose the one best suited to your needs.