Avoid driving while drowsy.

Symptoms of drowsy driving are obvious, but easy to overlook. Motorists that find themselves yawning, or blinking and nodding their head repeatedly are showing signs of fatigue. Other indications include drifting between lanes, driving over the rumble strip at the edge of the roadway, or not recalling landmarks. Responsible motorists must admit to drowsiness when it occurs and take action.

Rest is the best remedy for drowsy driving. Compromised drivers should pull off the roadway and find a safe location to take a short nap, get out of the car to stretch, or switch drivers.

Consider the following tips when planning a road trip:

  • Get enough rest the night before. Studies show most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each day. Teens need eight or more hours of sleep to be well-rested.
  • Take a driving break every 2 hours.
  • Consider traveling with a passenger and taking turns behind the wheel.
  • Avoid taking medication that makes you sleepy.
  • Eat light. Heavy meals tend to make people grow tired after a few hours.
  • Be alert to driver fatigue and receptive to taking a break. Make arriving at the destination safely your top priority.